How do I meet people from other countries?

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International students (1).jpg

What are the best ways to get in touch with people from other countries? 

If you’re looking to meet people from other countries nowadays, you’re in luck! With all of the technology we have available to us, it could not be easier to make friends across the globe. The simplest way is online, using apps or websites that put you in contact with people internationally. There are pen pal websites such as InterPals and Conversation Exchange where you fill out a profile and are matched with people in different countries who have similar interests. You can use social media like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to reach out and get to know people living elsewhere. Another great option is meeting people in person while you’re traveling, whether you’re on vacation, on a business trip, or studying abroad. You can go to local cafes, restaurants, bars, museums, and parks and introduce yourself to people from the area. This might be a little outside of your comfort zone, but it will be worth it to learn more about the culture and lives of people in the country that you’re visiting. Be open and kind, and you’ll be making friends around the world in no time!  

Why is connecting with people in other countries important? 

There are so many benefits to making friends around the world. You’ll gain networking opportunities, learn about another culture firsthand, and even have some extreme couch surfing capabilities. It will widen your circle of friends significantly which will make your life and your experiences feel richer and more informed. By having friends in other countries, you will develop a greater sense of empathy and respect for the world around you which is important when travelling, at work, and in life in general.  

What are the barriers to meeting people from other countries? 

It is becoming easier and easier to make friends abroad, but there are still some significant obstacles that exist. Most of these stem from cultural differences which make it more difficult to truly connect with people outside of your own country. You may have conflicting values or have a difficult time understanding their practices. The biggest barrier, though, is often language. It can be incredibly difficult to meet people when you cannot communicate with them.  

Don’t worry, though! There are plenty of solutions! There are a variety of resources that help you to develop your cultural competency, which is the ability to understand and appreciate cultural differences. This skill will help you to be more open-minded and accepting of others.  

As for the language barrier, there are apps, videos, books, and so much more that can help you to learn a new language quickly. However, if you want to immerse yourself in the language and really be able to connect with people from other countries, language classes are a fantastic tool! They allow you to utilize the language in real situations with a teacher and peers to support you as you learn.  

If you are interested in language courses like these, you can check our ours here

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